Distributed Generation

The influx of intermittent solar and wind technologies, and the retirement of large baseload fossil fueled power plants has left a generation mix that is dependent on unreliable renewable sources. As a result, there is a large and growing need among investor owned utilities and municipal and cooperative power providers for customized and strategically located distributed generation engines, which can rapidly alter their power generation to meet changing power market conditions. MAS believes this need will grow as further renewable generation assets are added to the grid and other large scale, inflexible baseload generation is decommissioned. Distributed generation systems - which utilize conventional engine technology from well-known suppliers - provide power suppliers with a number of benefits relative to new large gas fired turbines:

  • Ability to operate as either base load or peaking plants
  • High power density creating ability to locate a number of plants at different points on the grid, as required to create cost, power quality, grid reliability and efficiency benefits
  • Reliable fast starts (can provide power to the grid within three minutes) at minimal incremental costs, which contrasts with turbines, where a large number of starts significantly increases maintenance costs
  • Flexibility to scale to suit need from a capacity perspective (10-200 MW)
  • Efficiency generally better than most large utility system-wide heat rates
  • Small size of plants creates significant advantage over much larger power plants, which may require large investment in transmission to effectively contribute to the grid from a stability and power quality perspective.
3340 Peachtree Road
Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30326

Phone: +1 404 474 0744
Email: info@mas-energy.com